I'm writing in advance because I expect to not have time to get a post in today.
As I mentioned yesterday, I bought an epilator on Saturday. Saturday afternoon, my wife was out and my youngest was at a friend's house. I sent my oldest out to pick him up and that meant about 20 minutes on my own. I had charged the epilator earlier that day; since my office is in the basement I could hide a plug for an hour and no-one would notice.
When the house was empty, I tried the epilator on my right leg. It was disappointing, but it was also not a great test. I had been shaving arms and legs as I shaved each day, knowing I'd be going out soon. I only stopped a couple of days earlier and I don't think the hairs are at an optimal length.
I wanted to do my arms instead, but knew I'd be wearing short sleeves Sunday, so I didn't. I thought of doing my chest, but didn't want to risk showing red dots, if that was the result.
Probably because the hair wasn't that dense, it didn't hurt horribly. It did feel like I should be bleeding after I was done. I wasn't. It also didn't leave a lasting impression. Sunday, my legs looked fine. The one I tested on didn't look different from the other (except for the lack of hair).
Sunday, my wife is out again. I'm skipping another clothing swap because tax day is coming and I am not prepared. At 6, I will take my youngest to Sunday school; his brother will pick him up at 8.
That means I have two hours to try the epilator on my arms (no short sleeves before I go), pack Meg's stuff without prying eyes, and have dinner.
If necessary, I can skip dinner. My plan is 1 ~ epilate arms and maybe more. 2 ~ pack while it recharges. 3 ~ unplug the darn thing before the boys get home!
I wrote the above Sunday afternoon, which explains why I'm being even worse than usual with tenses. If I have time after 8, I'll add a review of my episperience. I think I coined a new word ~ and not a very good one at that. :D
By the way, this is the Braun I wanted to get.
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