Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Couple of Things

Saturday, I had a suddenly free few hours.  I spent two of them trying on skirts and writing information on them down in a steno pad.  I'll try to make a spreadsheet out of this soon.  I know, I wrote about this a couple of months ago, and I tried on a couple of dozen skirts then.  Those were on hangers in my closet.  The almost-twenty I tried on Saturday are in boxes in my closet.  I put a couple in the swap bag, and I broke my rule and kept a few that I'll never wear outside, but they're so cute (and mostly short) that I couldn't bear to part with them.  A few more that I labelled "shows bulge" I should have swapped, but maybe I'll find a good gaff or a better way to tuck and they'll be wearable.  I hope so!

I also kept some "schoolgirl" skirts.  I don't know where I found these, but you know the type: short, wide, and plaid.  Fetish stuff, I suppose.

I also came across a pair of shoes I've never worn out, even though they fit pretty well.  They're brown wedges with long ribbons that I suppose I wrap around my calf and tie.  Maybe that's why I never wore them ~ I'm not sure what to do with the ribbons.  But for the short while I had them on they felt really comfortable.

I also finally had time to try on the shoes I got at the last swap, which I still haven't written up.  I have notes, so hopefully when I get to it I'll get it right.

My new travel schedule has me in Arizona for two weeks.  If I can arrange it, I'll get my weekends on each side and travel Monday and Friday.  In between, I'll keep my Sierra Vista room but I'll also get a room in Tucson for the intervening Saturday and I'll spend the night up there.

I don't know when I'll be there, but it might be the last two weeks in October.  This means I'll miss Pride in the Desert.  That was a long shot anyway.  I was also a bit concerned about going there.  I think it's a reach outside my comfort zone, but I would have done it if my schedule worked.  I will be there if my schedule changes!

As soon as I have my schedule firmed up, I'll contact some ladies I'd love to meet.

And, overplanner than I am, I'm already working on how to easily separate what I need for work with what I need for play so I can bring some of my stuff.

But I have no solid plans for anything right now.  So, of course, my most recent fortune cookie says:

Your present plans are going to succeed.

It figures.

1 comment:

  1. Time, or lack of it, is an enemy. I need to spend a full day in the closets.
    My wife has asked several times over the years for me to at least make an effort to trim the stock. It is hard to do. It is not that I have too much stuff it is more a function of many items that have never seen the light of day (or in my case the dark of a night out).


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