Friday, October 21, 2011

Rectifying the Situation

On Wednesday, I wrote "And I just realised it's Thursday and I haven't picked out what I want to wear in Tucson yet!  I need a top and skirt, and a dress."

Well, I guess I get an extra day.

Once again, I skipped out of work early.  I made up some time in the evening, but I knew no-one would be home for a couple of hours and I wanted to try on dresses.  I did, and I screwed up, slightly.

When I just spend some "try on" time, I write down what fit, what didn't and I figure I can refer to that when I'm ready to go out.  It seems, however, that each time I go out I have some slightly different plan.  So I ignored longer skirts, but I decided I wanted a more casual look my last couple of times out so I went with longer skirts.

Now, I have less body hair than usual, and I might be going out to a club or something in the evening.  I can't be out too late because I have a very early flight the next morning (pre-6am), and, as I mentioned, I'm staying on eastern time.

So I was looking for fancier dresses than I usually wear.

My first cut involved pulling out nine dresses to choose from!  These are all dresses I've never worn out before; they are just a bit too fancy for a day at the mall, or a bit too short, or a bit too something for me to wear.  I have worn a variety of dresses; they all seem to me to be "day dresses," the kind of thing I might wear to work to be stylish but not overdo it.  I could be wrong.  My fashion sense is poor.

Once I went through the nine dresses I was considering, I kept on going.  I pulled out a couple of sheath dresses and a couple that were hiding in the back of my closet ~ I liked them, but I never considered them for a day at the mall, so they went back into hiding.

And, for the umpty-umpth time, I wrote down some notes so I could go back and pick out a dress without trying them all on.  That, as I've said, means nothing beyond this weekend when I pack.

Here are some of my notes (additional notes in italics):
Black longsleeve velvet dress - very short, OK for clubs (love this dress!)
Black with stone accents at collar - a bit tight, short
Blue tiered w/flower accent and belt - length OK, a bit tight at bust, looks kind of shapeless on me (very dressy, kinda wear-to-a-wedding dress)
Horizontal print, belt, black waist - knee length, not bad
Black mini w/attached b&w jacket - OK, needs black slip
Gold mini, tight, length OK (when standing!) (not sure if it's "me")
Purple stretchy - bulge shows, otherwise GREAT.  Needs underarm shave, full slip (I've always wanted to wear this dress!  I LOVE it!  I need a gaff!)
Grey mini - No Way (Probably swap)
B&W Button Front- OK, bunches in front a bit, short
Blue knit - needs cami.  Neck low in back, but OK right now.  Bulge shows.
Purple w/short back zip - nice!  3/4 sleeves, almost knee length (sexy, but I don't know why)
B&W top, black skirt, side zip (hard to zip) - nice!  Knee length
Purple scoop neck kind of low, back zip, pockets - very nice (neck sb OK, but barely) (a possible)

 So I still don't know.  I may pack the purple stretchy dress and see if I can make it work.  I may go with the black velvet dress as well.  I'll probably bring two, wear one.  The purple 3/4 sleeve is another possible, but it's kind of heavy which means it'll take up more luggage space.  I'll also look at the scoop neck again.

I also need to decide what top/skirt to bring.  I still haven't decided if I'm going with a long or short skirt.  It'll probably be in the mid-70s during the day and around 50 at night, but I think the look is more important than the weather.  I wish I knew what I was going to do while I'm there!

Oh, that little screw-up: I have some shoes I want to try and I didn't.  I should have been wearing shoes for the hour or two I was trying dresses on.


  1. As usual I am impressed both with the depth, size and scope of your wardrobe and with your discipline in at least trying to organize the stock.
    Have fun in Arizona.

  2. I so don't understand your desire to plan out every last detail in advance, but I do admire your ability to do it. I lack your discipline. Sounds like your fully prepared to have a great time to me.



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