Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Simple Pleasures: "Megabuttons"

A couple of days ago, I posted a link to my facebook page which contains the name "megabuttons."

In response to my first Elizabeth Taylor makeover picture, my friend Rhonda left a comment that began:

Meg: you look cute as a button in the photo....

Over thirty years ago, when I was living on Long Island ("Lawn Guyland" to locals), I had a six-month contract in Greensboro, NC.  I loaded up my car with clothes and such (and my birds) and headed south.  When I got there, I found an apartment I could rent month-to-month, bought some furniture and towels and some kitchen stuff, and moved.  I kept my house in NY and I would travel up once a month for a weekend ~ the birds were fine for a couple of days and I'd pay my bills, check the grounds and head south again.

There was a woman named Melinda in the office.  I was very fond of her and we spent a bit of time together.  I met her parents once and the next day she reported that her mother said I was "as cute as a button."  I loved that!

After that, she called me "Buttons," which I also loved.

Many years later, I settled on "Meg" as my new name.  When I wanted to set up an email address, "Meg" was taken.  "MegWinters" was taken.  Other options were taken.

I had an epiphany and tried "Megabuttons."  It had "Meg."  It had the computerish "Mega."  And it had that old nickname "Buttons."

So Rhonda, thank you for reminding me of Melinda, and for giving me an excuse to share this little bit of Herstory.

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