Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Looking for Adventure?

You won't find it here.  But if you check out Gwen's T-Girl Adventure, you might find you're at the top of a roller coaster.  But hurry!  This won't last long.

Check out Gwen's brief blog.  She's only been posting since January, and it won't take long to go through her twenty or so posts.  She starts by re-discovering herself, at FemmeFever on Long Island and from there....

She did something that many of us have done, or are contemplating doing: she came out to her wife after 20+ years of marriage.  Her blog is a reality show we can relate to.

In her 22 February entry, she said she might make her blog private for a bit, so you'll have to write and ask her for an invite if you'd like to read on.  I think "adventure" is the right word, and I wish her incredible success on her ride.

I'm rooting for her!


  1. I think you have done a mitzvah not only for Gwen but for your own readers.
    Gwen is a good addition to the CD blog world. I would recommend that you add a link on your 'places to go'.
    It seems that the number of followers to Gwen's blog more than tripled yesterday in response to your blog post.
    Good job.

  2. Good point ~ but I'll have to remove her if she goes private!

  3. thanks for the post and the link, Meg!
    My pageviews continue to increase-and all the traffic is from here!I'm not sure about going "private" just yet-
    things seem ok as they are for the moment-and so maybe I'll leave well enough alone. cheers!


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