Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Last Saturday....

I wanted to see what was going on in the local t-world.

There was a Facebook invitation to a game day by a T friend of mine.

I also saw another Facebook invite was to a clothing swap by another T friend.

There was a T dinner that night, in a local restaurant.

I heard from a friend that there was a Trans support event in the afternoon followed by dinner, but I didn't see an invite for that.  It was from a woman I met at the Transgender Day of Remembrance last November.  Now I'm on her list.

It's amazing that there is so much to do, in addition to just attending civilian events as Meg.  A year ago, there would probably be a few girls going to Freddie's... maybe.

So which did I do?  I went out to a drab dinner.  My choice.  And I think I figured out why I'm not going out much this year.


My day is brighter when I hear from my friends!