Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Code Yellow

The temperature at both airports will be in the mid-90s on Sunday.

The company I work for wants me to spend two days on a different project, possibly pushing my midwest visit from Monday-thru-Friday to Wednesday-thru-Friday.

If that happens, I'll make Tuesday a travel day, and all will work since I'll be doing the hotel thing anyway.

To recap, originally I picked this trip because it starts when my family is away so I can dress at home and go. Because I don't want Meg to be seen getting into a cab with luggage (a giveaway), I decided to stop at a hotel and change there and then go to the airport. So even if this trip doesn't work, I can do this in the future! But it will work.

So if I go Tuesday, Meg can go to her friend Kim's clothing swap on Sunday. The nail place opens earlier on Tuesday so I can get an earlier flight and get my nails done as Meg.

Expected temperatures at both airports for Tuesday is a slightly more comfortable mid-80s.

It's all up to my local customer right now. I think I have the midwest customer under control.


  1. You mentioned getting your nails done. Are you getting a manicure or artificial nails applied?

  2. I'll just be getting a manicure. I'll pack some polish remover and the colour will have to come off that night. I'll be meeting with my client (a government agency) in the morning!


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