Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dive! Dive! Dive!

Agnes is another one of those strips that was funnier when it wasn't in the Washington Post.  I don't know what it is ~ Lio was funnier before the Post picked it up.  Brewster Rockit is good, but it was better before the Post grabbed it.  The Fusco Brothers is funnier now that the Post doesn't carry it.

I've been disappointed by Agnes for a while.  The whole premise is kind of sad ~ poverty is an overwhelming feature of the strip.

But I enjoyed this week.  Agnes decided she was going to overcome her fear of diving off the high board.  This is a recurring scenario.  This year it made me LOL.  Clicking each will enlarge them so you can laugh too.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of one of my swimming classes in college. I didn't mind jumping or diving off the lower board. But, the 3 meter board scared me and I really avoided the 10 meter platform.
    For the class final, we had to swim a mile and then climb up and then jump off the 10 meter platform.
    The swim was no problem. I did that every year at Scout camp. But I enjoyed the view from the top of the platform for quite a while before working myself up to take the jump.


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