Tuesday, December 16, 2014

So It's Civilians Too!

Click on the headline below for the whole story....

Study proves high heels do have power over men

An excerpt:

From the article
The allure of high-heeled shoes is no secret among women, who have used them to entice men from the streets of Ancient Rome to the New York City sidewalks of Carrie Bradshaw. Heels have also been a controversial symbol in the battleground of sexual politics.

Now a scientific study in France has measured their power.


The study found if a woman drops a glove on the street while wearing heels, she's almost 50 percent more likely to have a man fetch it for her than if she's wearing flats.

Another finding: A woman wearing heels is twice as likely to persuade men to stop and answer survey questions on the street. And a high-heeled woman in a bar waits half the time to get picked up by a man, compared to when her heel is nearer to the ground.

"Women's shoe heel size exerts a powerful effect on men's behavior," says the study's author, Nicolas Gueguen, a behavioral science researcher. "Simply put, they make women more beautiful."

Please read the whole article ~ it's interesting and it has some beautiful shoe pictures thrown in! :)

1 comment:

  1. I know I wear the highest heels I can still walk in. Says much about me!


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