Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dressing: Always Good for a Laugh: Elevator Version

I was in an elevator at the office with three women and a guy.  One woman got out at the second floor; the man departed on three.  As we headed towards the next stop (mine), one woman said to the other "I
think I have the exact same dress, only in grey."  I looked over at the dresswearer.  I'm no expert, but to my eye the dress was HIDEOUS and if I was a woman I'd never admit to owning one in her colour (brown) or grey or any other hue.  But I'm not a woman (at least I wasn't at the moment) so I said "I think I do too."

Both laughed and I said "I think I better leave now" and they laughed again as I acted like I was waiting impatiently for the doors to open so I could escape.

I wonder what they would have done if I said "no really." They probably would have laughed again.

1 comment:

  1. As a dual gendered person I find that I often think in both genders regardless of how I am dressed and it seems that much of the time I do speak in double entendres. My wife gets what I am saying and it tends to alarm her but most civilians just see these comments as humerous or, at worst, a bit odd.
    I think that your mind is always working in both genders and that you use double entendres as a form of humor.
    I like it.


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