So it's Friday night and I'm in a strange town and I'm looking for a dressy Meg activity.
I can dress like I just got off work and stop at the mall ~ that's always a possibility, but I don't really need to mingle with the teens who are hanging at the mall.
I could do dinner, but my plans were for a later dinner with
Aeify (her blog is
here) when she arrives.
So I checked the local synagogues. I go to services occasionally, more often when my boys were younger than now; this year, I haven't been since October.
For those unfamiliar, there are three main branches of Judaism:
Orthodox, where men and women sit separately and there are three services a day. I wasn't sure where I'd sit so that's out.
Conservative, which is more egalitarian but they usually focus on the Saturday morning service. This is where I grew up.
Reform, which I usually attend. There's more of a Hebrew/English mix and the tunes would be more familiar to me. Friday night is the big service of the week, with Saturday morning a close second.
* (and
Reconstructionist, which is more fringe and I've never been)
So I looked for reform synagogues and found
Or Chadash, which billed itself as "
A warm and welcoming community where all can experience God." I looked at their calendar and found a discrepancy so I sent an e-mail asking which time was right. The woman who wrote back said I'd be "welcome at any service" and told me the main service starts at 6:30.
It was also the closest to my hotel, a plus for me. Google maps said it was about 20 minutes away. It looked pretty straightforward: turn right, turn left and that's the road it's on.
I got out of work a bit later than I wanted and people were still trying to get last minute advice. My 2:00 leave turned into 2:25 and I headed for Tucson.
Andrea was off; there were a couple of guys behind the desk. I checked in, carrying three bags: computer, suitcase, and a smaller bag with Meg stuff. Not all of Meg's stuff, but the bag was crammed,
Earlier in the week I did a dry run. I tried my makeup and decided I didn't like either mascara so I bought a new one. I tried an eyeshadow that looked too dark so I switched to a lighter blue for my lids. I tried each of the lipsticks and glosses and found a combination I liked (but didn't love). I tried different jewelry combinations until I found the one I like best. I wanted to video chat with a friend or two, but the wifi at this hotel is pathetic. Regular web pages would time out. I passed on that potential frustration.
So I had sorted everything I was going to wear and put the makeup and jewelry together with undergarments and such in that bulging bag.
I was at the hotel with plenty of time for a leisurely shower and thorough shave and to correct any mistakes I might make while doing my face. I didn't do anything that needed repair, but I wasn't really thrilled with the final product. Something didn't look quite right to my eyes.
I wanted to leave at 6. Any earlier and I'd have too much time before the service started. The time before Jewish services is a social time, and although meeting people is bothering me less, I didn't want to be the only person who knew no-one and I'd be staring at my hands. I didn't want to be late, but if I had to sit in the car for a couple of minutes to be just about on time, that would be OK. Since the ride was straightforward and google said 20 minutes, I figure a couple of minutes after six would be fine.
As I said, google said it was a straightforward trip. My GPS had other ideas.
It said it was a 30 minute drive, not 20, said the GPS. OK, I did leave at 6 and I'd be about on time, even if google was wrong. No worries.
As I drove down Alvernon, the long street that the synagogue was on, my GPS decided I needed to turn, that Alvernon did not continue. I dutifully (stupidly) turned.
It had me make a couple of more turns, then wanted me to go onto a street clearly labelled "No Outlet." I declined, and turned in what I thought was the right direction to rejoin Alvernon.
When I finally caught up with it, I ignored the lady's voice and just kept driving. The GPS started showing no road, only green fields and she was silent.
Eventually, I was back on what the device thought was a road. It told me to turn and I did not ~ no fooling me again! Alas, now I was on a different road: Alvernon made a right turn and continued. I went back past the turn and back again before I did make that turn. Alvernon fooled me once more with another left and I went past it, turned around and went back.
I considered taking this as a sign and giving up... that's the funny thing about signs. I was very late, but was it a sign that I should go home, or maybe I was supposed to avoid a problem at the start of the service, or maybe it was a test to see how committed I was to going to services that night. Or maybe no-one was paying attention and I just went on aimlessly. Or everyone was paying attention and they had bets on how late I'd be.
By the way, driving an hour in high-heels isn't bad at all. Getting up is, since it puts more strain on your calf muscles as you're pressing the pedals and your foot has to straighten more. I had an uncomfortable few steps until my legs settled down.
Or Chadash is a campus of several connected or nearly connected buildings. I parked at the closest spot to the entrance where I saw cars, which meant it was furthest from where I wanted to be.
It was dark, but not yet cold. I didn't have a coat but I felt fine. My heels seemed to make a LOT of noise on the sidewalk and I walked past the office which was well lit and occupied and I'm sure people inside were wondering why some woman (hey, I was far away and it was dark) was walking to the services a half-hour late.
Oh... typical Friday night services are 60-90 minutes with an "oneg" afterwards: wine, bread, other assorted fruits, cake, cookies, coffee. So I missed somewhere between a third and a half of the service. And I planned to skip the Oneg ~ Aeify would be waiting.
This is getting kind of long, so I'll finish this up tomorrow.