Sunday, January 15, 2012

Don't Watch!

Don't wear a watch when you're in drab.  You're going to have an untan mark where you used to wear your watch and no woman's watch is going to cover that.  You're going to need to wear one of those big wide clunky bracelets or long sleeves and often neither are appropriate.


  1. The same coul dwell be said for shrt sleeve shirts, I always seem to end up with a "farmers tan" nice and brown to just above the elbow, then pale and paisty. I supose I coule wear singlets but we don't all look like Bruce Willis

  2. OOOP! That's the problem working in Arizona! I'll bet you still enjoyed the warmer whether compaired Virgina's colder stuff. When your in drab, in Arizona, Carry a pocket watch! That way if you decide to swap out a hard drive inside the server you don't get to "Light up"

  3. Two-word solution: tanning cream

  4. I quit wearing a watch, partly for that reason, back in my teens.

    Now, if I'm going out in the sun in boy mode, I always wear long sleeves and apply sunscreen to my wrists and the back of my hands.

  5. With our mobile phones as our timepieces, it still surprises me when people wear watches, LOL. But maybe it's because I kill watch batteries myself :)


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