Monday, July 11, 2011

"He Was So Pollish!"

(OK, I made a pun so I could use this movie quote.  Any guesses?)

Update: new poll gadget.  Please try again.

I'm trying a little poll thing over on the right side there.  Please give it a try.  I'm going to ask a real question if this thing works and then write a post that will annoy some percentage of my readers (but I won't know how many until I see the results).

If it doesn't work, please let me know in a comment or an e-mail.  And remember, if you don't want me to know who you are but want to say something, feel free to start your comment with the word Private and I won't post it and you'll be anonymous.


  1. I can't tell if it's working or not...why not use the poll gadget that blogger offers? It's what I use and it works very well.


  2. I've tried different ways to "poll" and it does not seem to work (from here). :)

  3. It doesn't seem to work from here (Dallas) either. But, then I'm a dummy with this computer stuff.

    Laura Renee

  4. I clicked Yay! It works. And it seems to be working. So far 4 responses (all Yay! It works).


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