Saturday, May 4, 2013

Say What?

I've enjoyed Sherman's Lagoon for a long time.  Sherman's been in here at least a half-dozen times.  Back when screen savers were somewhat new, I had a Sherman's Lagoon one that had various fish swimming across the screen.  If a swordfish swam into a pufferfish, the pufferfish popped.  If a shark met a certain small fish the shark would gulp the little guy down.  Other than that, it was just... fish and stuff.

Before the Washington Post picked up Sherman, I had another reason to enjoy it: the images were in a predictable place with predictable names, and they appeared a week ahead of the newspaper.  So once a week I would load a personal page that gave me next week's Sherman.  Alas, that no longer works, but I still love the strip.  Who would think a strip that involves sharks eating "hairless beach apes" would be funny?  Remember to click to enlarge.

What?  No Herman on stage? :(


  1. Hadn't heard of this strip before now Its humor is krilling indeed, and doesn't flounder. I dolphinately have a porpoise to find more of this.

  2. Annie, you need to locate Kip Adotta's "Wet Dream." It's probably on youtube.


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