Monday, May 20, 2013

Once In A Lifetime

So what did last week have to do with trans?

Very little.  Mostly, it was background.

I have several Meg events I haven't written about yet.  The tgirlNation dinner.  The gender study event at a church.  The gender study event at Christine's house.  Some shopping and new clothing.  Friends game day and a soiree at Christine's.

This blog started so I could share a particular event (flying pretty).  I had several goals.

I wanted to help others who might have thought about flying, through my experience.

I wanted to maybe offer an idea to some who might never have thought of doing that, but were at the "what next?" stage of their progress.

On the selfish side, I wanted to write.  I also wanted to push myself to do this somewhat scary thing.  It's like announcing to your friends your giving up smoking.  The announcement helps keep you honest.

Last week was introspection week.  I've been looking at the past year and a half and trying to figure out what happened.

But I've also been looking at the past three years I've been here, online in this blog.

I think I've reached a new plateau.

Going out to dinner with a large group of sisters was a new experience.  Joining a public gender discussion was a new experience.  There were more new experiences, and there will be more new experiences.

But the excitement of new has been replaced with the feeling of normalcy.  Each new Meg experience is now a part of my life.  I'm not sure if that's exciting or mundane.

Traveling to a new city is noteworthy, but blogworthy?  I'm not sure.  Chicago, Detroit, and New York and it's all in the same street.  A typical city involved in a typical daydream.

Traveling to Singapore, South Africa, New Zealand is noteworthy and blogworthy.

Noteworthiness and blogworthiness are both in the eyes(hadow) of the beholder.  Are you, my audience, interested in everything Meg does, in detail?  Shopping, getting ready, going out, what I did, getting back to "normal?"  I don't know.  I try to rely on my muse (and your comments) for direction.

I think moving forward is both note- and blog-worthy.  Permanent hair removal, tricks and tips that might make the transformation easier or faster or more convincing, new levels of acceptance, breaking new ground (is there any?), epiphanies, and so on deserve to be shared.

I do have some insights and ideas that I'd like to share.

I have some links that y'all might enjoy.

But I'm not sure I have seven days a week of interesting material.  I'd like to entertain you, maybe educate you, maybe even make you think.  I feel I'm getting boring.

Right now, I'm going to share what I have but I do need to rethink my way forward.  Please bear with me, and feel free to help me as well.  You can always reach me via comments (write PRIVATE and I won't publish), or send an e-mail to my gmail address, youCanCallMeMeg .

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife
And you may ask yourself
Well...How did I get here?

Letting the days go by
Let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by
Water flowing underground
Into the blue again
After the money's gone
Once in a lifetime
Water flowing underground

And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife

Same as it ever was...

Water dissolving...and water removing
There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Under the water, carry the water at the bottom of the ocean
Remove the water at the bottom of the ocean

Letting the days go by
Let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by
Water flowing underground
Into the blue again
Into the silent water
Under the rocks and stones
There is water underground

And you may ask yourself
What is that beautiful house?
And you may ask yourself
Where does that highway go to?
And you may ask yourself
Am I right?...Am I wrong?
And you may say to yourself yourself
My God!...What have I done?!

Same as it ever was...

Look where my hand was
Time isn't holding up
Time is an asterisk

Same as it ever was...

Yeah, the twister comes
Here comes the twister

Same as it ever was...


  1. Meg -

    Isn't the feeling of normalcy a pleasant feeling? The enjoyment hasn't gone down, but the feeling it is the correct thing to do has gone up....

    Being introspective, as well as writing a blog as if a diary is important. It provides a way to articulate your feelings AND to get feedback when you need it....


    You do inspire others!!!!


  2. Hi Meg, I have always found your blog interesting and have enjoyed reading of your adventures and activities. In many ways you have helped me develop and I am sure many others too. We need to have someone like you and Stana step forward and show us how we too can get to enjoy our own form of femeninity as we live vicariously through you two. I use the links provided by you to get more information and read of others who are more willing than I to write of their story or way. Those links also provide enjoyment for many "closet" girls. So my vote, if that is what you want to hear, would be for you to continue. "Travel pretty", share the trips and places, write your feelings, keep us in on the life you now can have and let us see the possibilities for ourselves too. Thanks for writing. Lisa

  3. To answer your question about sharing activities, travel and experiences in your blog: IMHO things of that nature are definitely "must-reads." You, Marian, Kim, Stana, among numerous others, are my inspiration!

    So, my vote is for you to keep on blogging about your activities...I love to read them!

  4. I started reading "You can call me Meg" to find out how you got on flying pretty, as you have got more confident and pushed your boundaries, well so have I. I like to know what you are up to, how you are getting on, is it just idle prurience? I like to think not, meg has become a friend so I want to keep up with how you are doing.

    Of course Meg is trans, but that is not all you are and not the only thing about you that I am interested in or that makes you interesting. We are all many things and our lives have many facets, all of which are interesting to our friends.

  5. My big question....

    Meg -

    When did you fly pretty? I thought Kim was the one supposed to be doing that! ;-)


  6. Meg,
    To quote the old B&H commercial "You've come a long way, baby".

    Your blog started as a long and detailed run up to your maiden flight en femme. What hooked me from your early days as a loyal reader of your blog was your attention to detail. There has always been a pleasantly neurotic component to your writing.

    These days it seems that you can get out and about with considerable regularity. That is a change but I still like the details ~ the who, what, when and where. I also like the way that you describe the reactions of those civilians who interact with you.

    I think it is helpful to your readers to know that you are getting out and about and that with each successful outing you, perhaps, open the eyes or minds of others.

    Congratulations on the blogerversary.


  7. Pat ~ Virginia Slims, not Benson & Hedges. :)

  8. Meg

    I stand corrected. It was Virginia Slims (where else do we see the initials V.S.?).

    Benson & Hedges was a "silly millimeter longer".


My day is brighter when I hear from my friends!