Thursday, February 7, 2013

Swappy Seconds

About the poll: of course, it should say "I love both equally."  I can't change a poll in progress.  So far, "what the &#)$! are you talking" about is winning! :D

Last Sunday was a Meg day.  It didn't go quite as planned, but was fun nonetheless.

$21 at Old Navy!
The main event was another clothing swap.  I don't seem to find a lot of items to bring home, but I do bring in items I can't use and it's a pleasure to watch them disappear quickly.  I'm a big fan of reuse.

One of the other swappers posted that she was looking for a ride to the swap.  I volunteered to pick her up at the Metro station and bring her there.  Then she told me she was going to help set up and break down and would have to be there an hour early and she'd leave late.  I felt she was now officially taking advantage, but I agreed to pick her up early at least.

Then someone else wrote that she would be coming early and she could pick her up.  So she dumped me (story of my life) for the other woman.  I was looking forward to additional civilian interaction, but at the same time I was glad to be off the hook.  I did ask her to ask Kim to point me out so we could say hi.  For some reason, she didn't identify herself to Kim so I never did meet her.  Ah well.

The swap was more crowded than I have ever seen.  We stayed a while, I spoke to some of the women there (including a couple of trans-sisters), and went on our way.

One item of interest: the swap is set up with a |_| of large tables organised by size.  At one point, I was walking along the back wall, looking at clothes on the "size large" table.  As I got to the end, I was going to squeeze around and walk up the left side of the |_|.  Except right behind the tables the room pushes out a bit and Kim had set up screens for changing.  I looked up and saw one woman in bra and panties, holding a dress she was going to pull on.  I decided to backtrack and go around from the other side of the table.  I'm glad I'm accepted there, but I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.  That's never my goal.

By the way, I picked up two dresses at Old Navy on impulse a couple of months ago.  It was right outside the nail salon, and after I had my pedicure, I couldn't resist.  One was purple; I wore the other to the swap.  Both are similar in cut and style.  The purple one was on a mannikin, and it looked way too short but when I held the dress up to me, it looked fine.  Both had back zips, and were lined.  The sleeves on the purple dress are longer.  Both are made of the same light material.  Each was $21.

The purple one doesn't fit right.  It seems smaller across the bust and I can't lift my arms comfortably.

Go figure.


  1. Meg,
    I admire you not only for your ability to get out and about and mix things up with the civilian population but also for the decency and understanding that you show for the feelings and sensitivities of others. You are a good soul.

    I like the dress and you wear it well. Sorry the other dress does not fit as well.



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