Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hanging with Meg

A couple of weeks ago, my oldest son asked me to join "Hanging with Friends," his new internet addiction.  He's discovered word games and knows I'd be a challenging opponent.  We play Scrabble, Quiddler, Boggle.  We've been fairly well matched, which is fun.

Anyway, I agreed.  "What do I need to do?"  "You need to download the app and get a user name."

Bah.  I know what username I want to get: Meg, CallMeMeg, Megabuttons... Something Meggish.

But that would be hard to explain, so I found something non-femme.

And my son and I have been fairly evenly matched, which is fun.  Now I'm also playing with a couple of on-line friends of Meg.

I sure wish I picked a different name!


  1. Ah, you can't do that!
    Anyway, it's part of the fun....
    See http://pennys-little-corner.blogspot.com/2011/07/new-public-profile.html

  2. I've been tempted, and say "why should you have to look at a picture of me?"

    I did have a picture of Meg in a group shot sitting on my desk for months ~ hardly anyone said anything.


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