Wednesday, May 30, 2012


If I can find a place to change Friday and Saturday, I may go out this weekend.  I have an event and I think the people there would welcome Meg.

I can probably get a room Friday night, which would solve most of my problems.  I can leave work early, check in, change, and go to the Friday night events, which are mostly register and meet-and-greet.

Normally, I studiously avoid meet-and-greets.  That's further out of my comfort zone than being Meg is.  And I will know several people here, including some rather well-known ones.

Then back to the room and early Saturday I can change and check out.  The main event runs until 2pm, and there are after-event events.

I picked out a few dresses to bring and I have all of my other Meg items put aside for quick packing.  I've been shaving arms, legs, etc, and keeping my brows trimmed.

There are two problems.

The first problem is coming home Saturday afternoon.  I need to have my son elsewhere and I don't know when it will end. I can probably say mid-afternoon and my family will be out of the house until 4 or 5 anyway.  This is where the negotiating comes in.  My wife is very against my attending, because there will be people who know me, and she's concerned I will be outed.  Actually, it's more than that.  I expect to see people I know and say "well, we've met."

The second issue is shoes.  Last summer, I wrote about an ingrown toenail on my right large toe (why don't they have names like fingers do?).  The podiatrist cut the left half of the toe off, down to the part under the skin and that seemed to solve the problem.

Seemed to.  The nail is not growing back properly.  There is a large, somewhat painful and hard lump under the skin which I think might be the nail not breaking through.  With changing jobs and insurance and schedule, I haven't made it back to the doctor yet.  But at the more formal events following my mother-in-law's death, I had to wear black sneakers.  My shoes pressed down in a painful way.

So I'm planning on skipping hose (most women do once the weather gets warm) and wearing open-toed shoes, but I need to try them on first.  My dress shoes had to come off within minutes.  I need to see how the open-toed shoes I have fit and how they press on that toe.  I don't have time to shoe shop; if I can't get some in-house shoes to work, I'll have to skip it.

I'll probably not have a chance to check out shoes until tomorrow night.


  1. Hi Meg, I know ,if my wife says no there can be a problem ,if you go. But you do need an event as Meg1

  2. Good luck if you can get out this weekend. Look at it as your doing outreach for the entire community. Consider it a mitzvah.

    Problem #1. Bring guy clothes and if you find others home when you get there then just go find a place to park and change. At my age whenever I come home I often find that I need to make a pit stop in the bathroom before I even say hello. You can do that to scrub off any makeup.

    Good luck with the shoes.

  3. "The podiatrist cut the left half of the toe off"?

    I'm guessing that the word nail is missing from that statement!

  4. It appear to me that you should be the only one worried about being outed. You would do it well (your appearance has allway been impecable). I think I know where you're going.. and I think the people you shall meet are more concern about your interests or opinions then who you are. I don't believe the huffington is going to run a story "All about Meg reveled!". You are entering a area where you could appear to show people that a crossdreeser is just another human being with a slight different view of life! Go and enjoy your yourself!!

  5. Ingrown toenails and heels do not go together, painful. Seems to be no real cure once that toenail gets ingrown, except maybe cut off the toe, as the podiatrist joked. As to the other, sounds like your wife is more afraid of being outed as your wife, i.e., the wife of a crossdresser.


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