Tuesday, September 3, 2013

One More Thing About the Jewelry Show

I saw a lot of items I wasn't interested in.  I ignored the jewelry in cases.  I'm pretty sure it was all out of my price range and why torture myself?

I saw some inexpensive items I liked, but few I loved.  I only saw earrings for pierced ears so I skipped
those.  I think if I found pierced earrings that were Must Haves, that would influence my decision.  I didn't.  I did decide that I won't be buying earrings for the foreseeable future.  I won't get pierced earrings for the reason I just mentioned.  And with the recent discovery of the magic cushions, I can wear more of my formerly uncomfortable clip-ons, so my options have been expanded.  And if I decide to pierce (a far from certain decision) I don't want to extend my investment.  For the record, the fear of getting holes poked in my head is pretty strong.

Among the items I loved was an opal ring.  It was incredibly inexpensive compared to opals I've purchased (as gifts) in the past.  It was a manufactured opal, which is a new concept to me.  So I not only bought the ring, I decided it needed a name.  I called it Mott.


It's Mott the Opal.

(how many of you did I just lose permanently?)


  1. I had to Google this one. Is this a reference to Mott the Hoople, the British glam rock band from the 70s?

  2. (in 1972 deep FM radio announcer's voice)......ladies and gentlemen, the opal age, of rock n' roll......

    I like that ring. Thank you for not naming it "Manta" or "Kadett".

  3. Fantastic. I always knew that the "H" was supposed to be silent. :-)


  4. Groan!!! regarding Mott....

    But you did find something nice. What is your ring size? I know that 99% of women's rings would need to be resized for my fat fingers. So I won't be a jewelry hog in this life. If I could, however, justify purchasing good jewelry, I'd have already filled up a jewelry chest....


  5. Must be before my time Meg. That's my story.... :D

    Pretty ring. With your beautiful long hair, you really don't need pierced ears anyway.

  6. Meg,

    You are one of my favorite bloggers. I really enjoy visiting every day.

    However, with "Mott the Opal" you've veered dangerously close to Stephan Pastis territory.

    Just kidding. As much as I groan at your puns and Stephan's, they're always day brighteners.


  7. Lovely looking ring Meg, let it shine and brighten up your hand, the only one Mott I remember is The Hoople

  8. Meg"

    BTW, the ring is really nice. And shiny. VERY shiny. Looks like you took reasonable precautions when photographing a reflective object (e.g., clothes on), although I've only been able to get the magnification of the ring up to 400X (just kidding). It does look like two people, the one on the right looks to be in a white top with a high collar of some sort. The one on the left is blurred.

    I've got to figure out my ring size so I can shop for some nice ones. Have you had luck buying rings on-line? How about bracelets and bangles? Even my small hand doesn't fit through most of the bracelets that I find in stores.

    You keep adding to your looks with very wise and well thought out selections. Hats off to you on that.


  9. one of the reasons i pierced my ears is that i was tired of remembering whether i had remove the clip on's before going home.
    now that i have come out to my famialy it wouldn't matter. but previously i could wear the pink safires as a guy most of the time in ether mode. so getting my ears pierced really made it easier to not have to worry weather i had taken the earrings off or not.

  10. I am totally jealous of that ring. I would have bought it in a heartbeat ... and then wept when it didn't fit my fat fingers.


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