Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Should Know By Now

Planning never works.

I told Michelle that my goal was to let her leave by 3:30 today.  That's her normal exit time, and I have been keeping her away from her family all week.

My plan:
3:30 go to the hotel and change
5:00 go to the lingerie shop that closes at 6.  I'm not sure why.  It is very expensive.  I may ask for a fitting, but if I do, I'll feel obligated to buy something.  Did I mention that it's very expensive?

From the lingerie shop, around 530, go across the street to the mall and look at that jewelry I looked at the other day.  Buy something if I still like it.  Wear something expensive out of the shop.  I've never worn expensive jewelry as Meg, and I like the idea.  Window shop, maybe buy something if I find anything I love, and maybe have dinner at the food court.  I plan to leave the mall around 7.

Instead, we finished early!  I thought I could leave the office about 2:30 and move everything up an hour.  No rushing, and maybe an extra hour at the mall!

So as I'm about to leave, I was told that there will be a conference call at 5, and I have to be on it.  I did manage to get approval to call in remotely, but NO lingerie shop at 5, NO extra hour.  In fact, I'll have less time than expected and the shop might be closed before I get there.

I considered postponing until tomorrow, but if we get crunched I'll be at the office late to try to finish up.

So it's now almost 3:30 Dallas time and I'm about to shower one last time and shave my face and moisturise and get ready to go!

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