Friday, December 16, 2011

The Vote Is In!

I listen to my readers.  I saw your reactions to my little story attempt last Sunday.

I promise it won't happen again.


  1. I object.
    I actually liked the story and would encourage you to exercise the "fiction writer" every so often.
    It was a good story that blended in several concempts that are of interest to many of your readers.

  2. Don't give up now, it's nice to read something without any isn't too raunchy - and you do write well

  3. I didn't see in comments any dislikes about your story. I think you are experincing fewer comments due to christmas shopping etc. One in twenty readers return comments. Remember this is your blog. Please feel free to write what your heart tell you. Not everything is pleasing to everyone. The fact that this blog is daily is awesome. I enjoy every word you send. Think of the friends you've found! So story On. You write a GREAT BLOG!! :-) Karen

  4. I also liked your story and agree with Pat, Paula and mrslickiv6 that you should write more stories if that's what you want to do. It's your blog so write whatever you like.


My day is brighter when I hear from my friends!